Saturday, October 28, 2006

October WHAT??

Here's what I am working on:

1. Home organization: defining systems for laundry and other household chores, complete re-org of the bathroom closet, bedroom closet, children's dressers, planning on tackling the home away from home (aka the van).

2. Being with my kids. Fully engaged.

3. Staying on the healthy food choices wagon.

4. Getting back on the running wagon (I've run twice and am having a passionate love affair with my splashy new iPod). I got scared away by the rain this weekend.

5. Thinking about starting a local mom's group. Winter's not easy for me, especially in Maine. I need a plan.

6. Making some changes with the other blog, moving from to GNMParents.

7. Scouting and recruiting new contributors for GNMParents. I have found so many talented bloggers. Want to meet some of them? Check out Crankmama, Mom Writes, Scribbit, Diary of a Playgroup Dropout, The Lazy Organizer, Mommy off the Record, Stu News and Photos, There are more. I'll introduce you on another day. (Oh, and if you know a great blog that touches on some issue relating in any way to parenthood, please send it to me... Oh, you're interested? Let's talk!)

8. Anxiously counting down the days to an overnight girls trip. We're not going far, but it's nice to have a day off to look forward to.

9. Halloween costume making: pirate zombie, Hercules, and a red kitty cat.

10. I am sure there is a tenth... what could it be?

Photo courtesy of Jimmy via flickr.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Being God...

Clay (5): Mama, do people get married at a wedding?
Me: Yes, Clay.
Clay: Mama, how do people get married?
Me: Remember how Ian and Nel stood in front of the church and talked to each other? And to Uncle Scooter (Uncle conducted the ceremony)? They were getting married.
Clay: Yes, but HOW?
Me: Well, they stand up before God and each other and they promise to love each other forever and ever.
Clay: Oh, so Uncle Scooter was being God?

All 3 Punks were in the wedding. They did so great. A, who's 6, refused to even loosen his tie or remove his jacket for hours and hours. The groom, all of the wedding party had long disrobed. Not A. He was all about posing for the camera and cuttin' a rug. Clay was a little more reserved. The music was a little loud for him and he only danced once. Lucy walked down the aisle throwing rose petals like a champ. She wanted her dress off pretty early, but wanted to dance with us all night long.

Saturday, October 14, 2006


Running with music r.o.c.k.s.

Yeah, you read that right. I ran.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I got a really nice letter last Sunday. I don't always look for affirmations that I am doing things well. That's a little lie. I do. I look for affirmations in my exercise and in my parenting and a little bit in my friendships. But they are simple and I do not dwell on them:

exercise: can I make it a mile without cursing?
parenting: can my Punks work out a conflict without my help?
friends: do people seem to want to be with me?

When my answers are "yes" then I can affirm that I am doing a'ight.

I don't look for affirmations like the one I got on Sunday. It was a lovely letter written in blue crayon from a dear friend. It was unexpected and heartfelt. I cried as I read it and for a good while after. I felt this huge washing sigh go straight through my bones.

It's really nice to know that you are living your life well. That you love your family and your friends and they know it and return it. That even without grand gestures, but simply making the efforts that feel right and come naturally you are being good. (Good parent, good family member, good friend).

I will cherish this letter. I will keep it where I can see it as a reminder to live right, and to acknowledge when other folks are livin' right. I am so thankful. I have an immediate family that I not only love but also like. I have an extended family I love and (often) like. I have a chosen family of friends that I love and I like.

I want to go on record that that letter, written in blue crayon on lined notebook paper was the best gift I've received in a really long time. The iPod Nano that came with it blew me away. Unspeakably generous. Thoroughly excessive. Just... I don't know what to say about it.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Thing

Here are the things:

I'm still struggling with allergies but I'm done whining about them.

I'm frozen on the exercise front.

Career Mom Radio is fun and exciting and time consuming. I stay up late working on it, then I can't get up early enough for exercise. I am jazzed about this developing community and I love getting to hear/read these new voices. Are you working on a submission? There is a place for non-moms to contribute to so none of you have any excuses.

I have a lot to say, just not the stuff I've been saying. I'll be back with a whole lotta new stuff soon.

Just adjusting.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Career Mom What?

Ah, yes. Pop on over to Career Mom Radio. For your listening pleasure episode 6 offers lots of meat regarding working from home: home office organization, publicity strategies, and a million dollar give away.

Don't believe me? Give it a listen. And leave a freakin' comment while you're there! Oh, and subscribe. Watch that space- because starting this week the blog is putting on a little weight. I love you guys. Really.

disclaimer: i am totally lying about the $1,000,000.00