Thursday, December 04, 2008


You called my son "Little Bird" the day he was born. At 9' 11", "Big Bird" might have been more apropos. Did you think that then?

Your huge Italian name made you seem even more petite.


I love and hate this time of year. I look forward to celebrating Christmas with my family while still dreading the travel and lists and many obligations that blanket us.

This is neither unique nor particularly interesting.

9 years ago this month I was expecting Aidan. I remember sitting on our couch, watching an MTV special about John Denver. Tears were pouring down my face and Rob was trying hard not to laugh at me.

We laughed a lot. We talked a lot. We walked a lot. Our anticipation simmered just below the surface. It was a quiet holiday. It was the only holiday I can remember not traveling.

And you? What's on your mind?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm like an oblivious child during christmas
i do things last minute
so sometimes
they don't happen at all
our christmas will be a lot of
"Oh let's do this!!"
followed by chris saying "Ba Humbug. We can't. You didn't prep."

i want chrstmas of my childgood
i don't know how she did it
where did she find the time do make everything perfect?
the house
the tree
the meals
the food in the house the entire season in case anyone came by
the nice fancy kind of foods
the drinks od mixes and bottles of every kind
the toys!

it was expected
we just thought christmas was that for everyone
and what a shock it was to experience christmas away from home
what a shock when i had to recreate my own

my kids will never get the christmas i had
even though they deserve it
because i can't stay an adult long enough to get anything done!


i can't even remember what the question was !